GAO and MITRE Sponsor Discussion on Information Sharing During a Crisis

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During a crisis, good information is critical to ensure a proper and prompt response. One big challenge is how to ensure good information sharing both between different levels of government and even between agencies at the same level of government. 

On January 26, 2015, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) and The MITRE Corporation (a not-for-profit organization that operates several federally funded research and development centers) will sponsor a discussion on how governmental entities share data in the event of a crisis and subsequent recovery.   Specifically, this conference “will focus on ways that agencies and others have shared data to aid in effectively meeting the needs of disaster survivors and their communities as well as opportunities to better leverage data in future emergency management.”

This event is being held as part of the Government Data Sharing Community of Practice which was formed by the GAO to broadly examine data sharing at all levels of government.   The event is free and open to the public.  Registration information and other details can be found here.