The Devil’s In the Details: Practical Consequences Of Medical Malpractice Reform

It is likely that most readers would agree that the Obama Administration’s efforts to enact health care reform remains the most prominent domestic issue debated among elected officials and indeed, their constituents.  Regardless of one’s position regarding the necessity and/or wisdom of this proposed change, there is no escaping the existence of the debate. Certainly, there is no shortage of pundants, editorials, and white papers weighing in on the issue. As the debate rages, it seems that any conversation regarding health care reform inevitably leads to some reference, in varying forms, to the need for medical malpractice reform.


For a complete copy of the article, click here: Download Devil's In the Details


If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact:

Sharon Angelino ([email protected]) or Mary Wydysh ([email protected])